Welcome to your library of empowering tips, tricks, and special insights into the world of expert Corporate Storytelling
Steve is a renowned thought leader and practitioner on the importance and impact of Winning Communication through Value-Driven Engagements.
Our Best Story is Rarely Our History
Our best story is rarely our history. All your listener cares about is their here and now, and what you can do for them.
The New Trend In Story: Hyper-Personalization
The New Trend In Story: Hyper-Personalization. Imagine listening to a speaker and swearing they were talking directly to and for you and you alone. What if the story really was, in fact, designed just for you?
The Smart Story of AI Communication
Let AI do the dumb stuff so humans can do the smart stuff It’s the same for value-driven communication: Help your audience get the dumb stuff out of their way so they can be better at doing the smart stuff thanks to their time with us.
Craft Your Best Story. Then Craft It Again.
Craft your best story. Then craft it again. The only kind of writing is rewriting.
The More We Say, The Less They Hear
The more we say, the less they hear. When it comes to speaking, too little story is almost always stronger than too much.
We Buy the Experience Before We Buy the Pitch
We buy the experience before we buy the pitch. The better experience we have around a product message, the better we feel about investing in that message and its messenger.
How The Story Changed In 2024
Great communication is about transformation. Leadership is measured by the ways we create positive change for others and for our brands.
Story Sparks Our Rewards Center
Story sparks the brain's pleasure center and connects to deeper sense memory.
Keep the Listener In Your Story
When we go from being invested to being distracted, we all lose.
The Best Brand Story is Told On Every Organizational Level
Genuinely memorable and inspiring brands tell a clear, aligned, and consistent story from organizational tip to tail. Every employee at every level is a valuable storyteller.
Creating a Special Moment
Attaching a special moment in the time of a brand to a special moment in the life of the customer is undeniable and impactful.
Skip the Stress, Save the Story
You're ready to speak, solid on your topic, eager to share discoveries or directives, all eyes and ears on you and your content. And you're starting to stress. Welcome to the Moment Before.
Combine Information With Inspiration
If I could list every presentation, speech, lecture, or meeting you've ever attended – and quickly forgotten – they'd all have one thing in common: 100% information/0% inspiration.
Leadership Lifts All Stories
True leadership is defined by how we help others become successful leaders themselves.
Good Storytelling is Successful Neuroscience
Neuroscience studies the nervous system, how it evolves and performs, the ways it drives us, controlling our thoughts and movements. Neuromarketing studies techniques for stimulating our audience’s inspirations, preferences, and decision making.
Storytelling and the 3 Universal Currencies
We constantly negotiate three life currencies in every engagement, interaction, or decision: Our Resources, our Time, and our Knowledge.
The Obvious Story Is Rarely The Best Story
Successful branding is not about our product or service; it's about the story we tell to our marketplace.
Find the Cow in your Story
Stories are almost always more engaging and compelling than the absolute truth.
I'm A Proud Hacker. You Should Be Too.
Today's legitimate hacker is employed to break into their own company's infrastructure and reveal its weaknesses, exposing potentials for failure or risk of incursion.